Saturday, 6 November 2010

61. Al- Mumit – Transition

Suggests life, quickeing --- 'you are in the midst of transitions, and
you wished for nothing so much as to change' Rainer Maria Rilke

Towards the City,
fleeting from a train,
eye-poking spring
trees, innumerable leaves
and fuzzy humans, blurring back.

Perhaps they’re talking to each other,
perhaps uninterested, perhaps alone,
lonely but they’re flying, momentary,
someplace else altogether.  


In this half-light, the light is changing slow
- another day of feeling minor fear;
time is up, and so it’s time to go

seeking, finding little things to know
and feel, confabulate, perhaps to hear;
in this half light, the light is changing slow.

Forever probing language, me and you,
so I can be not me - if I could dare;
time is up and now it’s time to go.

I’ll spout my words but who can tell me how
meaning climbs a spiral or a stair?
In this half light, the light is changing slow.

One day, there will be nothing left to do
except to take another breath of air
when time is up and getting time to go.

Humility’s a constant – God I know -
the need to bend a knee is lurking near.
In this half-light, the light is changing slow.
Time is up and now it’s time to go.


  1. Like the repetition of certain lines!

  2. beautifully named (pun intended) very thought provoking:)

  3. Dear John,
    A wonderful enlightening feel to awaken to each morning with wondering what shall the day gift us with.
    My hat is off to you! I loved this and shall be back to read more.
    I as well can relate to raising a child with needs that are special. I understand how life can be altered in so many ways. I too have been raising two grandsons with special needs as well since infants and learning to walk the path in a different way.
    I have found it a gifting as well to bring out a side of me that was dormant and that has been writing as well.
    I look forward to hearing from you and also have some information you may be interested in with publishing your writes in a global magazine.
    Contact me if your interested in this.
    I send sunshine your way this this,
    Mira Faraday

  4. John,

    Thank you for the your beautiful writings.

    Rick Cassem

  5. Much enjoyed John...wanting to linger with the verse, but moved on in repetition which supports your whole theme.
