Saturday, 6 November 2010

71. Al-Muqaddim – Preparing the Way

Suggests advance, forewarn, those going before --- 'my father 
moved through dooms of love' ee cummings  

At my Aunt’s funeral
the relatives were looking at knees and toecaps
in those little moments where words
feel not quite right – less conditioned
spots of vacancy and mystery
made empty by the undertaker screwing down the wooden lid’s
four corners with a practical turn of his wrist.

Next day we caught sunny weather
and my Uncle, face alight, skeleton moving,
screwed the top off a whiskey bottle
he’d had his beady-eye on for 21 years
‘You can only drink it when I’m gone’
she’d said;
and the liquid winked in the light.

When I see an elder,
Father sails there before me;
when I meet a mystic,
hum within me – Mum.

‘Did you climb up a tree,
did you eat up your pud,
did you summit the hill,
do you make your own bed?’

Thirsty, I follow
the spring of tomorrow
and yesterday’s mystery
is a bird in a bush.

Mam, will you hold me, Da’, will you show me
truth and connection, a handshake, a blush.


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  2. Well I really like that you have accompanied your prose with an emotive pic. I enjoy your poetry, which is rare for me. That is all, except to say; @jack9eight5 was here, by the way.
