Suggests power, determining things --- 'Pulse for pulse
breath for breath. Speak low lean low. As long ago my
love, how long ago' Christina Rossetti
Writer’s Block
A mystery – this blank page with blue pen –
and my duty to write a grand poem;
without engaging hope,
Instead, melting into zero,
atom by - fizzing - atom
equal and equally dissolved:
me, a pen, ink, page:
blank – nothing.
How to speak
There’s nothing there at first;
nowt at all,
until the start of a small bubble
expanding sound,
growing up rapid
like a seed of beginnings
swimming in softness
ready to birth
out from the lung wrench,
in-breath, then out-breath
- crucial in moments -
touting a burp for
intended connection;
'Send out the dove'
very beautiful - thank you!